CATEGORY: Sussex Showcase

Office Design Trends and Ideas for 2021


This certainly is an interesting time in the office interior design world. The effects of COVID has forced business to modify their existing office layouts to adhere to safety regulations.


Our experienced office interior designers, are here to solve your problems for your workplace.


Huddle Zones

The focus for employers will be on creating spaces that facilitate safe and effective collaboration. This goes hand in hand with flexible working, where some employees are likely to use the office in shift patterns.


Huddle zones look set to be a popular office design trend in 2021, ideal for scheduling meeting sessions and ad-hoc collaborations with workstations, tea providing flexible workspace options




Workspace Wellbeing

Providing positive workplaces is what employees want, and promoting wellbeing is more important than ever. Ultimately, happy and healthy employees are key to any successful business. 3 ways to create a great office is:

  • Planting/biophilia
  • Natural Light
  • Ergonomic Furniture



Flexible Office Furniture

As businesses continue to adapt to the changes, it’s likely that many will introduce flexible office furniture that allow for easy re-configuration. Given that social distancing regulations look set to stay with for a while, flexible office furniture will make it easier for businesses to adapt their layouts to accommodate the 2m rule.



There’s no denying that global warming is a huge issue, and businesses must do their bit to improve the environment.  Here are a few things they can do:

  • Source Sustainable Furniture
  • Encourage Employees to Cycle
  • Buy Eco-Friendly Flooring Options, including cork.



Community-Centric Office Design

Don’t be surprised to see more co-working spaces popping up in 2021. Shared office spaces cater for independent workers and small teams. Members pay a monthly fee avoiding long-term contracts, making co-working a viable alternative and provide:

  • Multiple work zones
  • Shared workstations
  • Individual pods and boardrooms
  • Community Centric





Back to the Office

The rise of remote working has raised an important question: will employees want to go back into the office full time? Some businesses will be open to the idea of offering flexible working.


Whatever a business’s preference, the best way to keep employees happy is to make working in an office an enjoyable experience, by introducing “Resimercial” (residential meets commercial) elements like casual spaces, coffee/vending machines and comfortable furniture; exercise and meditation areas, as well as games rooms.


Video Conferencing Rooms

As remote working looks set to be part of our lives for some time, companies will likely configure their spaces to make digital communication easier between those working from home and the office


Setting up a dedicated videoconferencing room with technology like screens, webcams and speakers, will enable private conversations or meetings to take place confidentially.


The impact of COVID is that we have all learnt to care a lot more about each other and moving forward business owners will be placing that thought as their priority for ways of working.


The trends highlighted point towards a future where collaboration, community and wellbeing will be the focus of office design


Read Our full Office Design Trends 2021 Blog post here:


To book a free consultation, call 0333 600 1234 or email
