CATEGORY: Sussex Showcase

Discover how to view your business and work-life balance more objectively.


Imagine having control of your business so that you could achieve the very outcomes that you desire. Most of us never experience this, instead we are controlled by the very businesses we designed to set us free.




Through understanding which elements of your business are currently misaligned you can take action and build something that doesn't require your constant attention.

"Having control enables us to deliver predictable performance."


Introducing the Business Scorecard

If you’re like most people in business, you’ll have spent the last 12 months focused on survival. Now, with light at the end of the tunnel, it’s time to think about what you want next for both your business and yourself.

The first step in goal setting your direction for the ‘next normal’ is to work out where you stand now:

  1. To step back and ask yourself some objective and quantifiable questions.
  2. To evaluate how you and your business have fared during the pandemic.
  3. To identify areas of frustration and opportunity alike.



6 Sets of Questions that could Change your Business and your Life

We’ve identified 38 questions we use when benchmarking business and businesspeople in times like these and created a totally unique scorecard.

The output is a set of scores across a range of your insights, plus an overall score, that will give you an indicative view on how you feel about business and your work life balance. It acts as a snapshot for where you and the business are today and whether you are where you would like to be, or whether it’s time to think about changing things.

For those who want to be proactive in embracing change your scorecard also includes recommendations and action tips, correlated to your results, that can kickstart the process of transformation.




The Scorecard is free to take and can be found here:


This scorecard was developed by Catandra Limited; a coaching, mentoring and consultancy business. As a member of Sussex Chamber of Commerce Catandra, has been helping create more enjoyable and profitable companies for over 5 years.
